ChemPacs Blog

Commercial Floor Care: 5 Tips on Preserving Your Investment

Written by Aqua Chempacs | Nov 1, 2022 1:05:23 PM

Commercial flooring (tile, wood, concrete and laminate alike) can last a long time, sometimes up to 20 years or more. But it needs to be cared for properly. And proper care extends well beyond basic cleaning practices. Here are five tips to make your floors last as long as possible, and look great at the same time.


Have a Well-Thought-Out Maintenance Plan

Have a thorough maintenance plan, ideally one that’s been specifically designed for your space, and takes into account your floor type, your foot traffic, and other factors. Avoid approaching floor cleaning in an as-needed or haphazard way. Floor care should be regimented, based on real data and scientific info, and appropriate for your space.


Train Employees Thoroughly & Regularly

Once your floor care plan is established, make sure that your cleaning staff is properly equipped with the tools, the training, and the continuing education to get the job done the right way, each and every time. When possible, to supplement initial training classes, use posters, videos, visuals on cleaning bottles, and other materials to reinforce good cleaning habits. 


Use Microfiber Mops

Rather than using traditional mops, opt for microfiber cloth mops, as they pick up dirt and dust more efficiently. 


Use Floor Mats & Rugs

Especially in high traffic areas, using rugs and floor mats will keep dirt from shoes at bay and lessen the effects of wear and tear. 


Don't Forget Your Furniture Pads

Furniture pads will prevent scratches and dents from taking their toll. Whenever possible, add these to tables, shelves, desks, and other objects in your space. 



Aqua ChemPacs represent the best floor cleaning system money can buy. Easy to use, color-coded and more affordable and eco-friendly than almost all alternatives, we have several dissolving floor cleaning products, including:

  • Neutral Floor Cleaner
  • Heavy Duty Floor Cleaner
  • Floor Conditioner & Neutralizer
  • Citrus All-Purpose Cleaner &
  • Auto-Scrub Floor Cleaner